I belong to a group of bicycle riding enthusiasts called Powai Pedals, and they organize long and short rides early in the morning.
BRM stands for Brevet des Randonneurs Mondiaux and Brevets are long distance free paced cycling events, where you ride at your own pace. These distances range from 200 kms to 1000 kms, and must be ridden within a certain time limit.
This is not a race, but basically a challenge to self. There are no support vehicles, no ranking, everyone wins. Participants are called Randonneurs or Cycle tourists, and camaraderie with fellow randonneurs is encouraged and expected.

Saturday , Oct 31 2015, was a day for a 115 km group ride , starting at 4.10 am . We reported outside the local police station, a convenient landmark in this area.
This ride would basically start at Powai (F), proceed via Jogeshwari-Vikhroli Link Rd (JVLR) to the Western Express Highway , and skirt the Sanjay Gandhi National Park (SGNP)(B). (15 kms) We would cross the Vasai Creek and proceed towards Kolhi(C) in the Nalla Sopara-Vasai area. (35 kms) .
Continuing beyond Sativli, Shirsad, and crossing the Tansa river, we would reach Khaniwade(D) , at a distance of 55 kms .

Turning back, the route would take us via Ghodbunder Rd, making a total of 75 kms.
25 kms later, we would pass the Mastermind Bicycle Studios(E) at Mulund , completing 100 kms. 15 kms more , would bring us back to Powai.
Making a cycling total of 115 kms, for a Saturday morning ride.

I ride a gearless bike out of choice, because I think one must push one's self. On Excessive slopes at the fag end of the trip, one needs to get down and push.
Departure 4:15 am. Arrived back home after a en route 45 minute breakfast break at 12 noon . 115 kms in 7 hours after deducting breakfast time.
16.42 kms per hr. Can do better.
But here are the detailed statistics !